Take the Love's Proof challenge
For the next week every time you have a negative thought, or emotion hounding you, replace it with something positive. The way you wish it were.

Is that negative thought really true, or something you decided a long time ago because of a bad experience? You can unravel it. Realize it’s taking your energy. Question it’s validity and then let it go. It may take several tries, but it works.

Try this revealing test.
For the next week, every time you have a negative thought or emotion hounding you, replace it with something positive. The way you wish it could be.
Is that negative thought true, or was it something you decided a long time ago because of a bad experience? You can UNRAVEL IT. Realize it’s taking your energy. Question its validity and then let it go. It may take several tries, but it really works.
When you release old thoughts, they release YOU.
We can listen to the music of our own heart and dance to it?
That’s our superpower. Being able to dance to our own music, no matter what’s happening in the world around us. We all stumble, get pushed around, and even betrayed. But we have the choice to think of it as a challenge that’s making us stronger. Because it is. We don’t have to believe it’s beaten us, or it will. We are that powerful, and the choice is ours.
We can retrain our minds by visualizing and feeling what we want. Tuning up our thoughts is a powerful practice of self-love.
We don’t have to wait for something we want to happen. We can preview it by seeing, feeling, and believing it. And that helps us create it. And makes us feel good. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and an intensely felt feeling or belief. THAT’S GREAT NEWS. We create by our thoughts and feelings.
We owe it to ourselves to use and enjoy that power.

Every day can be a GIFT when we have GRATITUDE.
We can be a STAR in the movie of our life.
PAYING ATTENTION to what’s outdated and what works.
Feeling when it’s time to LET IT GO or LET IT IN.
It recharges us, like seeing a flower on the first day of spring.
Ahhhh, the gift of love.
Don’t let yourself believe it’s silly or selfish.
Love changes our hearts and minds.
It changes everything we thought was possible.
It’s worth the effort it takes. Our thoughts are powerful.
If we make them good, life is good.
Love yourself…
Happiness and success in relationships start with self-love. Without self-love, we don’t believe we deserve love from others and don’t let it in.
We may unconsciously push it away without knowing why.
When we love ourselves for who we are (warts and all), we’re drawn to people and experiences that love us too.
Our empathy and gratitude grow from self-love because we aren’t desperately seeking it outside ourselves.
Productivity and excitement rise. We are more present. We can relax and be ourselves.
We get more done, and we feel good.
The benefits are real!
Ideas take off.
Dreams soar.
Collaboration and partnerships form.
We are tested less and sought out more.
We smile and laugh more, too.
Love yourself and love others.
The world needs it, and YOU.
Now, more than ever.
When we stop judging, we can think clearly and find solutions to our problems. Drama fades, and life flows more smoothly.
Others are more helpful to us, and we are more helpful to them.
Love yourself…
When we stop judging ourselves, people can see and enjoy the real us.
We can allow mistakes, vulnerability, and growth, which leads to success on so many levels.
Especially the quality of our lives.
No one is perfect or gets it right all the time.
It’s easy to forget but…
When we stop judging ourselves, our creativity can bloom.
Brooke Branning’s exciting new release and 3rd CD, Love’s Proof, is now available (August 2023). The CD includes a mix of adult contemporary, rock, pop, and dance anthems, “Clean Energy is Coming,” “Love’s Proof,” “Hero’s Way,” “Leaders,” “Bad Ass,” and “Our Love is Alive.
Download CD Cover Release Photo:
We can listen to the music of our
own heart and dance to it
That’s our super power. Being able to dance to our own music, no matter what’s happening. We all stumble, get pushed around, even betrayed. But we have the choice to think of it as a challenge that’s making us stronger. Because it is. We don’t have to believe it’s beaten us, or it will.
We are that powerful and the choice is ours.
We can retrain our minds by visualizing and feeling what we want. Tuning up our thoughts is a powerful practice of self love.
We don’t have to wait for something we want to happen. We can preview it by seeing it, feeling it, believing it. And that helps us create it. And makes us feel good. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and an intensely felt feeling, or belief. THAT’S GREAT NEWS. We create by our thoughts and feelings.
We owe it to ourselves to use and enjoy that power.

It recharges us, like seeing a flower on the first day of spring.
Ahhhh the gift of love.
Don’t let yourself believe it’s silly, or selfish.
Let that go.
It changes everything we thought was possible.
It’s worth the effort it takes. Our thoughts are powerful. If we make them good, life is good.
Love yourself…
Happiness and success in relationships starts with self love. Without self love we don't believe we deserve love from others and don't let it in.
We may unconsciously push it away, without knowing why.
When we love ourselves for who we are (warts and all) we're drawn to people and experiences that love us too.
Our empathy and gratitude grow from self love, because we aren’t desperately seeking it outside ourselves.
Productivity and excitement rise. We are more present. We can relax and be ourselves.
We get more done and we feel good.
The benefits are real!
When we stop judging, we can think clearly and find solutions to our problems. Drama fades and life flows more smoothly.
Others are more helpful to us and we are more helpful to them.
When we stop judging ourselves, people can see and enjoy the real us.
We can allow mistakes,
vulnerability and growth
which leads to success
on so many levels.
Especially the quality of our lives.
No one is perfect,
or get’s it right all the time.

Its easy to forget but…
When we stop judging ourselves our creativity can bloom.
We smile and laugh more too.
Love yourself and love others.
The world needs it and YOU.
Now, more then ever.
Ideas take off.
Collaboration and partnerships form.
Dreams soar.
We are tested less and sought out more.

Thank you for watching.
Most of us know this, but it’s easy to forget to love ourselves. I struggle with it too.
But when we do, we also forget we are lovable and worthy. Love is our natural state and we need it to thrive. Don’t wait for someone to love you. Love yourself. Believe in yourself and and allow yourself to make mistakes and grow without judgement.
Question the truth of every thought that makes you feel bad, sad, not good enough. Dig deep to the origin and you will see it was either something someone else told you (maybe a parent, or ex partner) or something you told yourself because you were hurt, made a mistake, were scared, etc, etc.
We can let it go and heal all past hurts with self love. We are the only one’s with the power to do that for us. And It is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
If you enjoyed this and want to share the love, please join the “Love’s Proof” movement and share this link on your website, social media pages and send an e-card to someone you know could use it. Let them know you care.
Love is the medicine we all need.
To be continued…
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Joy is priceless!