
Thank you for watching.

Most of us know this, but it’s easy to forget to love ourselves. I struggle with it, too.

But when we do, we also forget we are lovable and worthy. Love is our natural state, and we need it to thrive. Don’t wait for someone to love you. Love yourself. Believe in yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes and grow without judgment.

Question the truth of every thought that makes you feel bad, sad, or not good enough. Dig deep into the origin, and you will see it was either something someone else told you (maybe a parent or ex-partner) or something you told yourself because you were hurt, made a mistake, were scared, etc.

We can let it go and heal all past hurts with self-love. We are the only ones with the power to do that for us. And it is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

If you enjoyed this and want to share the love, please join the “Love’s Proof” movement. Share this link on your website or social media pages, and send an e-card to someone you know who could use it. Let them know you care.

Love is the medicine we all need.

To be continued…

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A Group of People in a Library

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Joy is priceless!

An Older Man Wearing Headphones

Someday, joy will be more natural
and it won’t be so hard
for humans to let go of fear,
distrust and judgment and just love.

When we do…

There Will Be No Problem

Watch out!